Sunday, 1 April 2018

vCenter Server Agent Service

Verifying that the vCenter Server Agent Service is running on an ESX host (1003495)

Document Id


agent-service connection-failure not-responding vmware

For troubleshooting purposes, it may be necessary to verify if the vCenter Server Agent Service (vmware-vpxa) is running. This article provides you with the steps to check if the Agent Service is running on your ESX host.

To verify if the vCenter Server Agent Service (vmware-vpxa) is running:
  1. Log in to your ESX host as root, from an SSH session or directly from the console of the server.
  2. Type ps -ef | grep vpxa .
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Type logout and press Enter to disconnect from the ESX host after you have reviewed the output.
If vmware-vpxa is running, you see output similar to:
[root@server]# ps -ef | grep vpxa
root 24663 1 0 15:44 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/vmware/vpxa/bin/vmware-watchdog -s vpxa -u 30 -q 5 /opt/vmware/vpxa/sbin/vpxa
root 26639 24663 0 21:03 ? 00:00:00 /opt/vmware/vpxa/vpx/vpxa
root 26668 26396 0 21:23 pts/3 00:00:00 grep vpxa

If vmware-vpxa is not running, you see output similar to:
[root@server]# ps -ef | grep vpxa
root 26709 26396 0 21:24 pts/3 00:00:00 grep vpxa

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