Wednesday, 6 March 2024

vmware key words

VMkernel Network Adapter The VMkernel TCP/IP stack handles traffic for ESXi services such as vSphere vMotion, iSCSI, NFS, FCoE, Fault Tolerance, vSAN, host management and etc. ***

Virtual Machine Port Group for a Standard Switch A port group handles the virtual machine traffic on standard switch.

Physical Network Adapter A physical network adapter handles the network traffic to other hosts on the network.

how to configure vmotion. (azure check)

migrate vm using vmotion

how to configure AD authentication in vcsa 6.5

esxi upgrade,vc upgrade.

migrate vcenter 6 to 6.5

ssh not connecting may be fire wall blocked

Ping wont work

ven we able to connect ESXi through putty even though we are blocking ping

sudo service ssh status

esxcfg-firewall -q sshServer

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep LISTEN

Esxcli network firewall get

unplugging cables


VLANS configured on the switch


Your SSH service is down.

You have the wrong credentials.

The port you’re trying to use is closed.

SSH isn’t installed on your server.

Firewall settings are preventing an SSH connection

The vSphere upgrade sequence requires vCenter Server to be upgraded first, followed by the ESXi hosts

How do I check for vCenter upgrade status?

Click Update. Click Check Updates and select a source.9 Feb 2020

Upgrading your vCenter Server does not require any host or VM downtime

vcenter upgrade prechecks

1. The Root Password Has Expired

2. “Make sure migration assistant is running” Error

3. NTP and DNS Name Resolution Issues

4. Collecting vCenter Upgrade Logs

5. Pre-Upgrade Checks

Other Important Checklist Items and Notable Mentions

Other Important Checklist Items and Notable Mentions

Verify that port 22 is open on the appliance that you want to upgrade. The upgrade process establishes an inbound SSH connection to download

the exported data from source appliance

Verify that port 443 is open on the source ESXi host on which the appliance that you want to upgrade resides. The upgrade process establishes

an HTTPS connection to the source ESXi host to verify that the source appliance is ready for an upgrade and to set up an SSH connection

between the new and the existing appliance

Verify that the current vSphere and ESXi versions are compatible. See the VMware Interoperability Matrix at

Verify that you have sufficient free disk space on the appliance that you want to upgrade so that you can accommodate the data for the upgrade

Create a snapshot or better yet, take a backup of the appliance that you want to upgrade as a precaution in case of failure during the upgrade process

If you use an external database, determine the database size and the minimum storage size for the new appliance

If you plan to assign a DHCP IPv4 address in the temporary network settings of the new appliance, verify that the ESXi host on which you want to deploy the new appliance is connected to at least one network that is associated with a port group which accepts MAC address changes. Consider the default security policy of a distributed virtual switch, which is to reject MAC address changes

Customer has firewall rule to block new temp IP communicate with it DNS server. During the upgrade, the new temp VC vm has to use the temp IP for the migration. The new temp VC couldn't resolve the host name via its DNS because of DNS firewall rule.

Dell EMC VxRail: vCenter upgrade got stuck with error : Failed-to-pre-check-virtual-machine-VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-OOSMNKy-meets-upgrade-requirements (bypass firewall if exiting)

install upgrade migrate restore

migration assistant port 9123

vmware update manager remediate baseline upload iso or patches in the update manager attache correct baseline to host or cluster vmtools update to using update manager

life cycle manager

HA summary

Primary Hosts connected to primary 1 Hosts not connected to primary 0 vSphere HA agent not reachable 0 vSphere HA agent configuration error 0 Hosts failed 0 Network isolated 0 Network partitioned 0 vSphere HA agent initializing 0 Disconnected from vCenter 0 Standby mode 0 Maintenance mode 0 vSphere HA agent unconfiguration failures

vmware cluster.

esxi host upgrade methods 1.esxcli life cycle manager Offline method Online method for an ESXi upgrade vmware -v

ESXi Upgrade Requirements HCL

esxi upgrade migration change host change data store change both data store and host

MTU 1500 All the Virtual Machines are hosted on Shared Storage.

Enable vMotion on all the Hosts. vSphere Web Client and vCenter Server VMWare Administrators Verify Delegated Permissions using VMWare vCenter Server

maintenance mode Power on and/or vMotion the VMs back (if DRS is not enabled).

esxcli software vib list reconfigure HA reconfigure cluster Power On virtual machine NLTNRAS0163 The host does not have sufficient memory resources to satisfy the reservation

ESXi server will likely require a reboot

VMware vSphere: ESXi Host Troubleshooting Host Local Date and Time Zone Host Hardware Information ESXi Build Version ESXi SCSI FNIC Driver Version ESXi HBA/NIC Information APD vs PDL

Fibre Channel WWN WWP LUN IDs

Manually disconnecting and reconnecting volume results in missing namespace

When trying to increase an existing volume you will see the new volume size in vCenter. However, when the increase button is clicked for the datastore, the available capacity on the volume does not show up. restarting management services

Unable to grow or expand a VMFS volume or datastore (1017662)

rescan storage login to esxi with webclient with root credentials Storage > Datastores Increase Capacity Add an extent to existing VMFS datastore or Expand an existing VMFS datastore extent.

Troubleshooting when Formatting iSCSI VMFS Datastore Generates Error


go to storage --configure -- connectivity and multipathing

iSCSI Configuration

iSCSI Port Binding

Jumbo Frames

Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

iSCSI Failover Times

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Remote Syslog Server

Configuring Multipath-IO for Windows Server

Setting up MPIO using the Control Panel Applet

Open up Server Manager. By default Server Manager starts when logging into Windows Server.

Click Manage and select Add Roles and Features to start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

Navigate to the Features step of the wizard.

Scroll down in the list of Features and check the Multipath I/O feature.

Click Next and choose Restart the destination server automatically if required option. Depending on the version of Windows Server, you may or

may not require a reboot. If so, a dialog box will be displayed indicating that a restart will happen immediately after installation click Yes

to continue with the installation.

Click Install. ******************************************************************************

Step 01 -- Installing Multipath-IO

Step 02 -- Configuring Multipath-IO for Windows Server

Step 02 -- Configuring Multipath-IO for Windows Server 2008/2008R2

Step 03 -- Setting the MPIO Policy

Step 04 -- Disk Policy Configuration (SAN Policy)

Step 05.1 -- Setup iSCSI Connectivity

Step 05.2 -- Setup FC Connectivity

Step 06 -- Connect Volumes to Windows Server *****************************************************************************

Run "List Volume" | diskpart

---------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************************************

hardware issues

Make sure the devices,bios,and idrac are updated to the latest firmware

update the device drivers

reset the idrac

perform AC ower cycle operation on the server by disconnecting the power cords

waiting 30 seconds, then reconnecting power

if possible, rmeove and reinstall the device

make sure that the cables are properly routed and connected

update the OS version,patchces or hotfixes

if issue persists contacgt your service provider ****************************************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------ VMware * In-depth knowledge and experience on VMware ESXi (6.5, 6.7 & 7) hypervisors installation and administration. ESXi is a Type 1 hypervisor, meaning it runs directly on system hardware without the need for an OS VMware has officially declared vSphere 6.5. x (ESXi 6.5) and vSphere 6.7. x (ESXi 6.7) as End of General Support starting from 15th October 2022. The end of Technical Guidance is 15th November 2023. Elastic Sky X latest esxi version 8.0 PowerEdge R640 vCenter Server 7.0 requires ESXi host version 6.5 or later 7.0 & 8.0 is in support You can upgrade first to ESXi 6.5 and then to 7.0 or simply opt for a clean installation of ESXi 7. However, for servers running ESXI 6.5 or 6.7, you can simply upgrade to ESXi 7 without the need for a clean installation. enterprise level virtualization tool * In depth troubleshooting skills in VCenter, ESXi hosts, Networking and storage. * Capacity planning skill for Esxi clusters and VMs. * Experience on planning, deploying and maintain VMware vSphere environments. * Experience in consolidation and upgrade. * VM deployment skills form Templates and OVA/OVF. * P2V and V2V conversion skills. * Good knowledge in Vmware vSphere replication and SRM * Good knowledge on VMware integrated backup and restore solutions. * Experience in Vmware PowerCLI and windows PowerShell Basic network/firewall troubleshooting. perform RCAs and recommend remediation plans updates, patches, Understanding of SSL certificate and different type of storage protocol like iSCSI, NFS, SAN, CIFS, RAID Hardware firmware upgradation manual or using LCM ESXi & Vcenter patching or upgradation using CLI or update manager Experience in VMware esxi, VCenter, Site-to-site migration/movements of servers for all the domains which can be globalized and managed centrally from one headquarter.

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