Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Azure interview questions 150
Sr.No. Azure Questions
1 How you will configure DR.
2 How to configure DR without additional cost?
3 what is LB session presistance?
4 If VM is down with blue dump how you will fix?
5 How to block internet to VM?
6 How to restrict DB and Web VM communication? and how you will check whether it is blocked or not after implimented?
7 what is application security group?
8 NSG attached to where?
9 Application security group where will attach?
10 If VM is down then what action you will take to fix the issue?
11 If VM is down and after reboot it is showing up in boot diagnostics but still it is not accessible then what you will do?
12 What is Azure Service Bus?
13 How you will monitori Azure Web app API issue.
14 How you will do VM domain migration from AD to AAD ?
15 two VMs are attached to LB and one is down then how you will manage user request to reduse Slowness
16 Azure Blue print policy
17 Key Vault used for what purpose?
18 If we need to provide RDP access for 1 hour to one user then what you will do?
19 Why we use ARM?
20 Write Powershell/CLI VM creation script
21 How you will manage azure security?
22 After VM creation can we add the VM in existing availablity set?
23 Tell me about Azure scale set
24 Two Web app VM in two different region and one region VM goes down then how you will reduce app access slowness issue
25 What are Storage type?
26 One user wants to store file on storage then in which storage tye you will use.
27 Why file share is used to store file in storage? can we use blob storage to store files?
28 what are the options available to access azure VMs
29 How to get email notification for alert?
30 What is public IP and Private IP? why we use both?
31 After VM redeploy or restart IP will change or remain same?
32 We have to use static IP or daynamic IP?
33 Which methodalogy use to work Agile, Scrum?
34 Which type of reqest you will recieve in SNOW?
35 If two ticket are there P1 and P2 and for P1 we have 1 hour and for P2 we have 15 mins which ticket you will priorties?
36 Do you know and worked on cosmos DB?
37 Tell me Azure DR configuration and prequsites.
38 How you will restore VM from backup?
39 For serverless DB what Azure service you will use?
40 For serverless Application what Azure service you will use?
41 Type of LB in Azure?
42 What is Application Gateway?
43 In two VNET communication need to allow then what action you will take?
44 If one VM is already running and for that VM we need to convert in reserve instance how you will achive?
45 How you will identify which client or user IP is accessing application?
46 If we need to connect onpremises network then what action you will take?
47 How to configure Site to Site?
48 How to configure Express route?
49 I don't want to loss my data of the VM then what you will suggest?
50 For VM IP change from Dyanmic to Static downtime is needed?
51 Tell me difference between Availablity set and availablity Zone?
52 If we need to migrate onpremises VM on Azure then how you will do and what steps you will follow for that?
53 If Customer said he want to host his application in azure then what you will suggest and how you will explain him cost detail?
54 How to grant Azure App permission?
55 how to do reservation for Azure resource?
56 How to restore VM and how much time it will take to restore VM?
57 If user requested VM access how you will provide access on azure?
58 Application gateway support which requests?
59 Have you worked on Containrization, Docker, Kubernet?
60 How you are working and on what type of request you are working?
61 Recently any P1 attended? what was that how you have resolved?
62 What is IIS?
63 IIS is not working then how you will identify and resolve the issue?
64 Appliction is working on the local server but it is not working over the internet, DNS is ok of the application.what would be the issue?
65 how to Congifure VNET and Subnet?
66 what is VNET Peering?
67 Tell me about the AD replication how it works?
68 What is bridgehead server?
69 If replication is not working thne how you will check?
70 How DNS will work if any user accessing the website?
71 What are steps to create VM?
72 What is NSG?
73 How we can retrive 100 keys from key vault?
74 If we deleted secrets from the key vault how we can restore?
75 on NSG, which priority will apply first? system defined rule or user defined rules?
76 What rule we can apply on NSG?
77 If I need to install IIS on 1000 VM the wha action you will take?
78 If I need to migrate storage from LRS to GRS the what action you will take?
79 If I need to migrate storage from GRS to LRS then what action you will take?
80 What is defrence between NSG and Firewall?
81 In Azure DNS zone we can create with same name host A record?
82 In azure DNS zone we can create same name Cname record?
83 What is Vnet peering and Global Vnet Peering?
84 What is express route?
85 Express route and VPN tunnel can configure together or not?
86 In Express route max how much VPN/Gateway can configure?
87 Tell me about Azure firewall rule collections with example?
88 If I have same subcription and two different VNET thenit will be Vnet peering or Global Vnet peering?
89 In Availablity set one physical rack will goes down then my VM will be accessible or not? if the why?
90 If I have two subscriptions and I have Vnet peering as well then both will communication?
91 Why we need Global peering?
92 When we create VNET then what will be the small subnet?
93 What is Virtaul WAN?
94 What azure migration methodlogy used?
95 How you migrate what are the steps?
96 What is WAF?
97 What are load balncer types?
98 What is ASR and what are steps to configure?
99 What is Application security group? why is is used?
100 What is Za-RS in backu?
101 what is availablity set?
102 what is express route? whay use?
103 What is azure security center?
104 what is azure sentinel?
105 what is site to site and drawback in site to site connection?
106 what is point to site? why we used?
107 can we implement GPO in azure AD
108 What are Azure tier to enable AD?
109 How we can sync onpremises AD and Azure AD? what componant we can sync?
110 To high available of AAD what we can do?
111 We have application VM and it is attached to the LB, complete rejoin is down the what action you will take to bring up the application?
112 what is defrence between Basic and Standard LB?
113 NSG rule we can delete? and for what purpose we can use rules?
114 what is the application insight?
115 If we have to migrate DB server from the onpremises to Azure and OS will not support on azure then how you wil achive?
116 What is Bastion?
117 We have 10 VMs and I need to allow only one VM RDP the how you will do that.
118 How patching is managing from azure? we can patch onpremises server from azure? and we can use SCCM to patch the azure servers?
119 what is VNG? it is used for?
120 what is default configuration on NSG?
121 Tell me LB setup steps for application server?
122 what is defrence between LRS and ZRS?
123 If VM is attached to the avaialblity set and rejoin is down the I can restore VM?
124 I have two VNET VM's communication will be there?
125 How to establish Two VNET VM communication?
126 I Have two tenant, you can add same subscription in both tenant?
127 What is shared signature?What are types of shared signature?if I want to restrict to single person then how you will do that?
128 What is private endpoint?why we use? What are private endpoint types?
129 What is use of Virtual network gateway?
130 What is ARM?what is use of ? how it works backend?
131 While you are configurating VNET what are options?
132 What is proximity Group?
133 What is Reservation in Azure?what are benifites?
134 I don't want to allow team to resize VM with E and F serize then, what action you will take?
135 What is use of Table storage and Queue storage?
136 What is Block blob and Page blob?why we use? how it works?
137 what is Azure bastion? how we can confirure? why we use? how it works at backend?
138 What is Resource group?
139 What OS type are encripted?
140 What are disk encription types?
141 What is Application security group?
142 What is Hub and Spok toplogy?
143 What is nwtwork Accelarate on VM?
144 What is Forward and revers lookup zone?
145 What is Namespace server?
146 What is availablity set?
147 For storage account to save cost what action you will take?
148 On what basis VM you will host in region?
149 What is spot instance?
150 For one week application utilization is high? I need HA and cost efective, the what you will do?
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