Monday, 27 May 2024

azure migration links (migration run book)

web role runs IIS

Scaling by adding additional instances is often referred to as scaling out

By adding and removing role instances to your Windows Azure application while it is running, you can balance the performance of the

application against its running costs.

Scalability --vertical and horizontal WEB Worker VM Public cloud Private cloud Community cloud Hybrid cloud Cloud computing pay as u go softwares hw license db network and bandwidth available Adv Scalability,HA,pay as u go FT Highbandwidth low latency Vertical or Scale Up increase the capacity of the existing hardware or machine. Horizontal or Scale Out increase the count of machines without increasing the capacity.

High Availability --zero downtime

application should with stand

application updates,hardwarefailures,config,os updates

Microsoft Azure applies various replication and redundancy strategies to

make azure hosted services and applications as fault tolerant.

Public Cloud -- All components of your application/ system are running

in Azure only.

Private Cloud -- You are running Azure services and features within

on-premises data center

Hybrid Cloud -- Combination of Public and Private.

The web application in cloud service is

termed as "Web Role"

whereas background processing applications are

termed as "Worker Role".

When we deploy web/ worker roles in cloud service is

becomes PaaS offering

when we create virtual machines (by using

management portal, PowerShell, CLI, Rest API or Azure SDK) under a cloud

service becomes IaaS offerings

**Fault domain** is a physical unit of failure.

**Upgrade Domain -** at

any point of time during upgrade at least one instance is alive and

serving the users request hence you don't face the downtime of your


upgrade of guest OS, host OS or

application update

PaaS means you focus only on Application and Data

IaaS means you get support only virtualization

For achieving high availability in case of Azure IaaS VMs --

Availability sets should be used along with at least 2 instances of VMs

and implement this redundancy at every web tier and DB tier.

Migrate on-premises physical servers.

Migrate virtual machines (VMs) virtualized by platforms such as Xen and KVM.

Migrate Hyper-V or VMware VMs, if you're unable to use the standard migration process for Hyper-V or VMware migration.

Migrate VMs running in private clouds.

Migrate VMs running in public clouds, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Task 9: Post-migration steps

There are a number of post-migration steps that should be completed before the migrated services are ready for production use. These include:

Installing the Azure VM Agent

Cleaning up migration resources

Enabling backup and disaster recovery

Encrypting VM disks

Ensuring the network is properly secured

Ensuring proper subscription governance is in place, such as role-based access control and Azure Policy

Reviewing recommendations from Azure Advisor and Security Center

Customer needs

Identify which servers (physical and virtual) can be migrated to Azure, and what modifications (if any) are required.

Create a road map of prioritized migrations, accounting for ease of migration and dependencies.

Where suitable, migrate existing servers and databases to Azure as efficiently as possible.

Where existing servers cannot be migrated, identify alternative migration strategies (refactor, re-architect, etc.) and their pros/cons.

Prior to migration, accurately forecast the costs associated with each migrated workload, including any third-party licensing costs.

Ensure the Azure environment used for the migrated applications follow recommended best practices.

Post-migration, be able to track costs, control usage, cross-charge business owners, and identify cost-saving opportunities.

What customer services could be more efficiently run or managed by moving them to Azure PaaS services?

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