Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Introduction to Kubernetes

Here's an introduction to Kubernetes:

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (also known as K8s) is an open-source container orchestration system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of

containerized applications.

History of Kubernetes

- Initially developed by Google

- Open-sourced in 2014

- Now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

Key Features of Kubernetes

1. Container Orchestration

2. Automated Deployment and Scaling

3. Self-healing and Restart

4. Resource Management

5. Service Discovery

6. Load Balancing

7. Security and Access Control

Kubernetes Architecture

1. Cluster: Group of nodes

2. Node: Physical or virtual machine

3. Pod: Basic execution unit (one or more containers)

4. Container: Lightweight and portable

5. Control Plane: Manages cluster (API Server, Scheduler, Controller Manager)

6. Worker Node: Runs pods

Kubernetes Components

1. API Server (kube-apiserver)

2. Scheduler (kube-scheduler)

3. Controller Manager (kube-controller-manager)

4. Worker Nodes (kubelet)

5. etcd (distributed key-value store)

Benefits of Kubernetes

1. Scalability

2. High Availability

3. Flexibility

4. Security

5. Efficiency

6. Cost-effective

Use Cases for Kubernetes

1. Web Applications

2. Microservices Architecture

3. Big Data and Analytics

4. Machine Learning and AI

5. Cloud-Native Applications

Kubernetes Tools and Integrations

1. kubectl (command-line tool)

2. Kubernetes Dashboard (web-based UI)

3. Prometheus and Grafana (monitoring)

4. Docker (container runtime)

5. Helm (package manager)

Kubernetes Certifications

1. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

2. Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

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