Wednesday, 22 May 2024
kubernetes summary
in 2014,google introduced kubernetes an open source platform written in
go lang and later donated to CNFC
online platform for k8s
kubernetes playground
play with k8s
play with kubernetes classroom
cloud based kubernetes services
GKE-- google k8s
AKS--azure k8s
EKS-- amazon elastic kubernetes services
kubernetes installation tool
problem with scaling up the continers
containers cannot communicate with each other
autoscaling and load balancing was not possible
containers had to be managed carefully
features of kubernetes
orchestration (clustering of any no of containers running on different entwork)
load balancing
platform independent ( cloud/virtual/physical)
fault tolerance ( node /pod failure)
rollback (going back to previous version)
health monitoring of containers
batch execution (one time sequential, paraller)
Pod – once pod get failed or corrupted,, it cannot be created again
New pod need to create with new ip address and old ip address cannot be assinged
Pod will have ip address to communicate
Container will not have any ip address
Pod can have multiple containers. But if once container fails all container fails
Kube-proxy --- it will do networking part
Etcd-cluster – is like data base it will hv info about pod etc
Control manager – will have actual state and will work on desired state
It will validate the current status of the pod and will work on desired state
Control manager will communicate with api- server and
Api-server will communicate with kube scheduler to create pods or next action plan
Under pod we create containers
Kubernets will not talk to container
Kubernetes will talk to pod
Pod will have ip address
Cluster means group of pods
.yml or jason
Master node: if you install master package it will become master node
working with kubernetes
we create manifet (.yml)
apply this to cluster ( to master ) to bring into desired state
pod run on node, which is controlled by master
role of master node
kubernetes cluster contains containers running or bare metal/vm instances /cloud instances/ all mix
kubernetes designates one or more of these as master and all others as workers
the master is now going to run set of k8s processess
these prcoesses will ensure smooth functioning of cluster these
process are call control plane"
can be multi mater for high availabity
master runs control plane to run cluster smoothly
One master --- one node
One master – multiple nodes
components of cotrol plane (master)
kube-api-server (for all communications)
this api-server interacts directly with user (i.e we apply yml or json manifest to kube-apiserver)
this kube-apiserver is meant to scale automatically as per load
kube api-server is front-end of control plane
stores metadata and status of cluster
etcd is consistent and high available store ( key-value store)
source of touch for cluster state (info about state of cluster )
etcd has following features
1.fully replicated - the entire state is available on every node in th cluster automatic TLS with optional client-certificate authentication
3.faster-- bench marked at 10.000 writes per second
kube-scheulder (action)
when users make request for the creation and management of pods, kube-scheduler is going to take action on these requests
handles pod creation and management
kube-scheduler match/assign any node to create and run pods
a scheduler watches for newly created pods that have no node assigned for
every pod that the scheduler discovers, the scheduler becomes responsible for finding best node for that pod to run on
scheduler gets the information for hardware configuration from config files and schedules the pods on nodes accordingly
Scheduler will decide which is the best to run pod
Which pod is empty it will discover
You can declare on this node the pod should be created or scheduler will identify the best node to create pod
Scheduler will decide which is the best to run pod
Which pod is empty it will discover
You can declare on this node the pod should be created or scheduler will identify the best node to create pod
Scheduler will decide which is the best to run pod
Which pod is empty it will discover
You can declare on this node the pod should be created or scheduler will identify the best node to create pod
Scheduler will decide which is the best to run pod
Which pod is empty it will discover
You can declare on this node the pod should be created or scheduler will identify the best node to create pod
controller manager
make sure actual state of cluster match to desired state
2 possible choices for controller manager
if k8s on cloud, then it will cloud-controller-manager
if k8s on non cloud, then it will be kube-controller-manager
components on master that runs controller
for checking the cloud provider to determine if a node ihas been detected in the
cloud after it stops responding
responsible for setting up network routes on your cloud
service controller
responsible for load balancers on your cloud against services of type load balancer
volume controller
for creating, attaching and mounting volumes and interacting with the cloud
provider to orchestrate volume
nodes (kubelet and container engine)
node is going to run 3 importand piece of software /process
agent running on the node
listens to kubernetes master (ex pod creation request)
use port 10255
send sucess/fail reports to master
container engine ( docker )
works with kubelet
pulling images
start /stop containers
exposing containers on ports specified in manifest
kube -proxy
assign ip to each pod
it is required to assign ip address to pods ( dynamic)
kube-proxy runs on each node and this make sure that each pod
will get its own unique ip address
these 3 components collectively consist "node"
Kublet à will talk to API-Server and will give all information about the node to API-server
Kublet à is the agent on the node
manifest is yml file
smallest unit in kubernetes
pod is a group of one or more containers that are deployed together on the same host
A cluster is a grooup of nodes
A cluster has atleast one worker node and master node
in kubernetes, the control unit is the pod, not containers
consists of one or more tightly coupled containers
pod run on node, which is control by master
kubernetes only knows about pods (doesnt know about individual continer)
cannot start containers without a pod
one pod usually contains one container
Multi-container PODS
share access to memory space
connect to each other using local host
share access to the same volume
containers within pod are deployed in an all or nothing manner
entire pod is hosted on the same node (scheduler will decide about which node)
POD limitations
no auto healing or scaling
pod crashes
boot strapping the master node ( in master )
to initialize k8 cluster
kubeadm init
configure master node
go to master
kubectl get nodes
kubernetes objects
kubernetes uses objectes to represent the state of your cluster
what containerised applications are running ( and on which node)
the policies around how those applications behave, such as restart policies,upgrades and fault tolerance
once you create the object, the kubernetes system will constantly work to ensure that object exist and maintain clusters desired state
every kubernetes object includes 2 nested fields that govern the object config
the ""object spec and the object status""
the spec which we provide, describes your desired state for the object the characteristics that you want the object to have
the status describes the actual state of the object and is supplied and updated by the kubernetes system
all objectes are identified by a unique name and UID
the basic kubernetes objectes include
name space
onfig maps
relationship between these objects
pod manages containers
replicaset manage pods
services expose pod processes to the outside world
configmaps and secrets helps you configure pods
kubernets object
it represents as JSON or YAML files
you create these and then push them to the kubenetes API with kubectl
state of object
replicas (2/2)
image (tomacat/ubuntu)
startup cmd stop
detached (default)
kubernetes objects management
the kubectl command line tool supports several different ways to create and manage kubenets object
imperative commands -- live objects -- development projects
declarative object -- individual files (yml/json) --- production
declarative is about describing what you are trying to achieve, without instruction how to do it
imperative, explicitly tell "how to accomplish it"
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